Monday, March 07, 2005

8 March 2005

Tim got up quite early in the morning to continue preparing his powerpoint slides for his workshop today. I knew I had to get up fairly early, too. He told me he was leaving around 7.30 a.m. and I still need him to put on my hinged AFO before he leaves. I haven't quite worked out what I'm going to tell Fiona without offending her - that I want to go to Epworth even if I'm not having a Botox. She was under the impression that I'm going there because I'm going to have the Botox there.

I got ready around 8 a.m. and while I was waiting for my taxi, I switched on my computer and tried to publish my blogs - I have been trying to update it on a daily basis but was having great difficulty publishing them. I spoke to Tim about it and he thought it may be due to too many people were using it at the same time. It seemed to be fine this morning so I was able to publish my blogs for the last few days.

When the taxi didn't show up at 8.50 a.m. I felt a bit stressed out again. I called up MECRS and was told that the taxi was booked for me for 9.15 a.m. I told the receptionist that my first session starts from 9.00 a.m. She checked and told me that's right and she'll try to call one for me straight away. This is something I'm definitely not going to miss.

When I got to the physio gym, it was about 9.15 a.m. Fiona told me that she knew about the taxi stuff up and she was just wondering when I was going to turn up. She sent me to the treadmill straight away. She asked me how did I go with Gavin yesterday and I told her that I'll be going to Epworth. She didn't want to distract me too much while I was on treadmill so she told me to do 10 minutes and we can talk about this later. After I finished the treadmill, I told Fiona that I've decided to go to Epworth. She said that's fine but she needs to organise for me to be discharged and she'll have to do all the discharge measurement. At first, she thought this is my last week here and she can finish the measurement on Thursday. I told her that I have an appointment with Gavin on Thursday morning so there would't be enough time for me to get here. I didn't think there is any point for me to linger here so I told her that today will be my last day here and I asked her about the self-help group she mentioned last time. She seemed a bit surprised but was very helpful in organising the group for me. I didn't know that one can only be in the group for 6 months and there is a limited number in a group. She gave me the paperwork and I picked the Tuesday mornig group - it starts at 9 a.m. A bit early but I think I'm used to attending my sessions on Tuesday mornings anyway. I will start that from next Tuesday.

It was very strange walking out of MECRS this morning knowing that I'm no longer a patient there. Tim thinks my rehab has finished. From now on, he thinks it's actually fine-tuning.

Late in the afternoon, Neil came over to update my exercise book. I felt a bit guilty because I haven't been doing the exercises as often as I should have. I guess there has been a lot of disruptions - I got a cold from Lillian and was not feeling the best, I transferred to Epworth this week - sounds like I'm full of excuses! I told Neil that I'll try to keep up with the exercises again. At least, I have been updating my diary :)


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