Monday, February 28, 2005

1 March 2005

Tim got up early this morning. He had to run a tutorial for a group of lawyers this morning so he had to get ready, take Lillian to childcare and take a tram to the city to conduct the tutorial.

I went to MECRS for my Tuesday morning sessions as usual. I got there just before 9.00 a.m. and there was no sight of Fiona in the physio gym. I went in there anyway to practice some walking with the rails. I couldn't find the mirror so I just had to do it without the mirror. When Fiona turned up, she was happy to see me started already. She set me on the treadmill for 10 minutes. I had to ask her all the questions about going to Epworth for physio - what would happen to my other sessions if I go to Epworth for physio. She didn't know the anwser to that so she had to talk to the co-ordinator of community rehab services to find out. She finally got the answer - if I go to Epworth for physio, MECRS will have to discharge me from everything - including gym, hydro and OT. This is really annoying - I've only started at the swim group and the gym. This is something I'll need to talk to Tim about and make a quick decision because I need to get in touch with Gavin this afternoon.

After I got back from MECRS, the first thing I did was calling Tim on the mobile to discuss what I should do. It turned out that he was just around the corner. As I was talking to him on the phone, I heard the gate opened and I could actually hear his voice both on the phone and outside. He thinks I should do whatever that will speed up my recovery. I know I will definitely go to Epworth but the question is when - should I wait till I'm discharged from MECRS (around early April) or should I go straight away which means all my other sessions stop immediately. This is really a leap of faith because I don't know for sure that what I'll get at Epworth would be definitely better. I called Gavin and told him that I had a discussion with Fiona and MECRS will discharge me if I go to Epworth. He said he's not surprised. I asked him what program would I get from Epworth etc. He told me he's thinking about two physio sessions per week and maybe I can have an odd session of hydro so he can review my program for me - Fiona told me that I could go to a self-help group at MECRS and pay a fee since I know my program quite well. Gavin said he can set up some exercises for me to do so I'll be looking at working 7 days a week. He asked me when I can start. I was trying to wait for a week till after the Labour Day holiday but he sat a time for next Monday 2 p.m. - I guess this is a bit like working at an accounting firm I really hated about 4 years ago - Tim kept asking me to look for another job but I would winge and complain everyday but not leaving the firm. I'm winging and complaining about MECRS all the time but when it comes to leaving it, I actually find it quite hard to do it - it's bit like stepping out of my comfort zone - something I have become quite familiar over the last 8 - 9 months.


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