Saturday, August 18, 2007

19 August 2007

I have to update the blog because there is a landmark event to report. Tim and I went dancing last night. This was the first time we danced together since my operation. I think it may have been the first time we danced in 5 years or so. Tim had to look for where he stored his dance shoes and give the soles a good brush.

I have been having dance lesson with Adam for over 6 months now and I'm so used to dance with him now. It was a bit hard to adjust to dance with Tim again. I think I've forgotten what it's like to go social dancing when there are many other people on the dance floor. My brain has so much more to process - the music, the steps, Tim's lead and also the people around me.

I think I've done reasonably well considering 3 years ago I was completely paralysed and couldn't even walk. Tim thinks I haven't been working hard enough and that Adam doesn't push me hard enough. I told him that he can't expect everyone to be like Gavin.

It was kind of funny that nobody there seemed to notice that something is wrong with me. I was expecting people staring at me because I walk with a limp and probably dance funny but to my surprise nobody seemed to notice. I think many people just assumed that we are beginners and some even said to us that we picked the hardest ones to dance. It was also funny that when we tried to explain to someone that we haven't danced for years because I was recovering from a brain injury and relearning how to walk again that she told us there was one stage she stopped dancing and when she eventually got back, she couldn't even walk on the dance floor. Tim and I looked at each other and smiled. Tim said to her " oh, she did have a brain injury". but she didn't seem to get it. We knew there was no point explaining because I don't think anybody there would comprehend what I've been through and how hard I had to work to get there.

Tim was a bit offended when I told him the big difference between dancing with him and Adam is that Adam is so light and effortless and he doesn't pull me off my balance. Tim thinks it's unfair to compare with him with someone who is 6th in the world (Adam and his partner came sixth in the recent worlds 10 dance championship).

It's kind of strange that when I was at MECRS, the dance photo on the wall ( Tim put one of the dance wedding photo there) kept my spirits up and motivated. He always tells me that my ultimate goal is to get back to dancing and I have been telling myself that, too. I had to work extremely hard to get to this stage and when I finally went, it didn't seem that challenging and exciting. I know this may sound ungrateful but I told Tim somehow I feel it's more satisfying doing chin ups, pushups and lunges because they are physically demanding and challenging. I think my body is so used to working very hard and because I'm not dancing with full capacity, it's not as physically demanding as other exercises I do.

In any case, this is just a beginning of me getting back to dancing.

Today, Tim and I went to a spinning class together. We have been to one before but I didn't feel I worked at all. This time, there is a different instructor and I found he explains better than the other one and I had a really good workout. I now can understand why people go to spinning classes.


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