Wednesday, March 16, 2005

17 March 2005

I didn't feel like getting out of bed this morning. I'm still very tired from yesterday. Like I mentioned previously, every time I have a session with Gavin, I need two days to recover. I had to get up and get ready because my driving lesson was scheduled at 11 a.m. After my usual routine of exercise bike, breakfast and shower, I was all ready for my lesson. I'm still thinking whether I should go for my driving test on Monday or should I postpone it for a later date. I waited for the driving instructor to turn up in the study. My appointment was scheduled at 10.30 a.m. and I have another appointment after that with Judy, the massage therapist, at 11.30 a.m.

While I was waiting, I was trying to find the instructor's phone number. I missed two calls last night on my mobile and I didn't recognise the number. The caller didn't leave a message so I didn't take much notice. I thought if it's urgent the person will probably call back or leave a message. When I found the insturctor's number, I realised it's the same one as the call I missed last night. I was a bit worried, maybe I don't have a lesson today. I waited till about 10.45 a.m. and was getting more and more anxious. Finally, I decided to give him a call to find out what's going on. I was a bit worried that he might turn up in the middle of my deep tissue massage session. When I called, I found out that he couldn't make it today so I was trying to postpone my driving test on Monday but he said I can have a lesson at 10.45 a.m. and have the test at 12 noon. He said he thinks I'll be ok for the test and if I decide to postpone the test on Monday after my lesson, he can tell the OT that I'm not feeling well. I felt like telling him that I was not feeling well on the day of my previous driving test but I couldn't defer it. Finally, I agreed to it only because I just to get it out of the way so I don't have to deal with him or the OT driver assessor again. I wonder if I should ask for a tax invoice when I pay for my test. They said it's $165 so I assume it's $150 plus GST. If they can't give me a tax invoice, I should probably ask if they have an ABN because otherwise I should withhold 48.5% of tax. I just think they are a bit dodgy but I don't think I'll get very far if I try to do that.

Judy turned up when I was in the middle of my exercises. I was trying to do a bit more just before the massage so hopefully that will give her more to work on. I tried to do a bit of the jump start exercise on the floor Gavin got me to do on the mini trampoline because it makes my left leg very wobbly so the leg must be working hard. Judy was happy to see that there is a lot of work for her to do this time. She said it's changed since I've been going to Epworth and she is pretty pleased about that. I told her that Gavin has arranged for me to go to the Bobath course from Sunday to Thursday and it's mainly for the upper limb. She thinks it's good but she is a bit concerned that I might be over tired by the course plus sessions with Gavin. She said my muscles may be over-fatigued by the time she finish the deep tissue massage. Because both of her daughters' babies are due in the following week, she's worried that she won't have time in that week and leaving it for two weeks may be a bit too long for me. In the end, we decided that I'll have a session with her next Thursday but I can cancel it if I feel too tired.

Neil came around in the afternoon to help me with my upper limb exercises. He thinks my one ball juggling is getting better and I have a new exercise which involves throwing the ball up and catching it.


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